Home Page Ysgol Bryn Tabor

Happy And Secure – We Learn And Improve Together

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Nursery - Mrs Mererid Liversage

Welcome to the Nursery Class website page.

On this page, we will share news and upload photos of the children's activities, in the classroom and the outdoor area.

Mrs Liversage is the children's Class Teacher and Miss Sera and Miss Charlie are the Teaching Assistants. 

Our theme for this term is Good Life, Good Choice!Our intention during this theme is to focus specifically on health and well-being as well as researching the other learning areas. We are very excited to start a new theme and looking forward to getting the pupils' input.

The children enjoy singing and counting on the mat every morning. They love listening to 'Magi Ann' stories on the Ipad, and chatting and sharing their news and feelings during Circle Time.

Important Information

Physical Education -
There is no need for a P.E kit until the Summer Term.
SUMMER TERM - The children will to come into school in trainers or pumps every Tuesday, for Physical Education lessons.

Fruit Money – The children receive fruit every morning. We kindly ask that you pay £1.00 per week and send it to the school in a labeled envelope at the beginning of each half term please.

Weather - If the weather is cold, send a coat, hat, scarf and gloves to school with your child.
When the weather is hot, remember to put sunscreen on your child's skin in the morning before they come to school ad send a sun hat with your child. Label all hats and clothing clearly with your child's name.

Seesaw- The children will have a Seesaw account so that you as parents have the opportunity to see pictures of the children in class. Also at times, a Welsh story will be uploaded and links for the children to listen to Welsh songs.

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CEOP Hwb Digital Learning for Wales